friday5 for July 1, 2016



Another busy couple of weeks. My little girl is officially finished her first year of school--and her first round of swimming lessons to boot. I can't believe how quickly that went. It makes me kind of terrified for how quickly the next several years will go. Having kids has definitely taught me a lot, but one thing that stands out more now than ever, is how fast time flies, and how important it is that we pursue the things we love, and enjoy them for as long as we possibly can. 

In other news, Happy Canada Day! 

I'm so proud to be Canadian, always, but especially today as I see the world around us struggling. Of course, we're not perfect either, but things here in Canada are vastly improved these days with our kind and compassionate new PM. His love for this country and its people is palpable, and I truly believe it's spreading, bringing this country back to life after many years in the dark. 


Have you been sorted into your Ilverymorny house over on Pottermore yet? I have, and apparently I can add Thunderbird to my house resume (along with my Hogwarts house, Hufflepuff--I'm sure at one point I'll share the story of how I discovered I'm a puff, hated it, then came to absolutely love it). Pottermore also features a really cool intro video for those who want to learn a bit more about the NA school of wizardry. I've seen some interesting theories as to how the new houses might relate back to the ones at Hogwarts too, though JKR herself denies there's any connection. Really, Jo? Really? If you've been sorted, I'd love to hear what you are--and what you think of these new houses to obsess over!


Ready for more Gilmore Girls? Not yet? Blasphemy! But okay, I feel you. Netflix has released a cute little video starting chief Gilmore Girl, Lorelei (Emily would have you believe it's her, but it's not; it's totally Lor), explaining that GG is now global for all your binging needs. I don't think I'll have time to rewatch the entire series again before the movies hit Netflix in the fall, but that's okay. I've probably already watched it six or seven times already and I know I'll get around to another rewatch before long :)

4. JUST PRESS PLAY: 5 Things That Are Harder Than Registering To Vote, Featuring President Obama (warning: Game of Thrones spoilers)


Maire is a baker with an extraordinary gift: she can infuse her treats with emotions and abilities, which are then passed on to those who eat them. She doesn t know why she can do this and remembers nothing of who she is or where she came from.

When marauders raid her town, Maire is captured and sold to the eccentric Allemas, who enslaves her and demands that she produce sinister confections, including a witch's gingerbread cottage, a living cookie boy, and size-altering cakes.

During her captivity, Maire is visited by Fyel, a ghostly being who is reluctant to reveal his connection to her. The more often they meet, the more her memories return, and she begins to piece together who and what she really is as well as past mistakes that yield cosmic consequences.

From the author of The Paper Magician series comes a haunting and otherworldly tale of folly and consequence, forgiveness and redemption.

-Courtesy of Indiebound


Happy Weekend!

pretty little reaction: fallout fallout everywhere, let's all have a drink

Photo Credit: Freeform

Photo Credit: Freeform


With the fallout of Hanna’s abduction still weighing heavily on the PLLs, the Liars begin to grow suspicious of Elliott Rollins as Ali’s condition worsens. Tensions rise between Liam, Aria and Ezra as they work on the book together. Spencer and Caleb are on edge, as neither of them want to talk about the awkward elephant in the room. Meanwhile, Emily receives a disturbing phone call and tries to find a way to see Ali.

Official synopsis courtesy of

1. Mary Drake's speech about secret people is definitely weird. And suggestive. Does Hanna's family have a secret member? 

2. Hot Caleb and Hanna's reunion isn't what I expected or hoped for. But it's okay. They're playing it slow so we can savor it,  I'm sure. But the way she looks at him when he gives her back her ring? It's definitely on. 

3. This Spencer and Hot Caleb scene is kinda heartbreaking. I don't blame Hot Caleb for trying to pretend everything is normal after Hanna pulled the "old habits die hard" card, but I also don't blame Spencer for rebuffing him. Get out, Spence. He's in love with someone else.  

4. I love how oblivious Emily seems about the Haleb Spaleb triangle (uh, quadrangle. Sorry Jordan. I keep forgetting you exist.) Also, why is she talking to Rollins like he's a normal person? Did Aria and Ezra not sharehow sketchy he was being? Dammit Aria! 

5. Blah bah blah Lucas. I just can't bring myself to care. 

6. Guys. Rollins is super sketchy. How are you not all suspecting him by now? Aria, why are you still not saying anything about his creepiness?

7. PLL is really big on bars where couples first got together being distractingly meaningful. First Aria's jukebox diversion and now Hanna breaking up with Jordan. Okay, obviously that was coming anyway. But it's definitely a noticeably similar plot device. Also, I really hope we get to see Hot Caleb's reaction when he finds out Hanna's "old habits" speech was followed by dumping her fiancé. 

8. If Aria and Ezra are going to be together, they really need to not work together. It just seems like a bad idea all around. But it does lend to Liam's awesome rant about the inappropriate nature of Ezra and Aria's initial coupling. 

9. Mary Drake sure does seem to like randomly popping up and distributing convenient bits of backstory. Huh. I kinda like that she seems to be the kind of crazy where she's out to get the liars but is also willing to help Emily see Ali, and may eventually turn against Rollins. 

10. Oh drunk Spencer. Poor, drunk, fired Spencer. This conversation definitely doesn't feel like it's happening between two people who are currently dating. Sorry, Spaleb. It was a mistake. And you have little left other than the past tense. 

Prettiest Little Quote of the Week:

"I understand the impulse. The Lolita myth. Not the Nabokov original, but the whole older man, inappropriately younger girl idea that's been trashed by lesser writers." -Liam (get it, boy)


the writer's arsenal: making and missing the mark

A writer's life is full of goals--daily word count, first draft deadline, books written in a year, hopes for getting published... Some of these goals are moving targets. You can aim for them, but you won't always hit them. Writing plans get derailed. Outlined books don't get written. In publishing, it's usually the biggest goals that are hardest to hit--but that's also what makes them the most rewarding when you do. 

Back when I first started writing with the aim of being published, I had a certain set of goals in mind. My writing schedule was usually dictated by the time and energy leftover from my day job, but I still tried to stay on track. I had to. Writing goals helped me finish my first, then second book. Then when my first maternity leave came along, I set a more concrete goal for myself--I want to find an agent before I went back to work. And with a few months to spare, I met that goal. And there was much celebrating. But a much longer-standing goal still remained--it was an arbitrary one, mind you, but at some point I'd made it--and with an awesome agent to work with, it felt more possible than ever. That goal was to be published (or at least sign a book deal) by the time I turned 35. 

Well, here I am, with just over two months to go before I turn 35, and while I'm closer than many aspiring authors can claim to be, I don't have a book deal, and I'm certainly not published.

Could it still happen?


But not probably.

Summer is usually pretty slow in publishing. The industry takes time to breathe. Maybe I'm being overly protective of myself, but it feels like the right time to start accepting that particular goal is unlikely to be met. There's definitely a sadness that goes along with failing to reach a goal (even a relatively arbitrary one), but the important thing to remember is that it doesn't have to mean the door is now closed. Yeah, okay, the "under 35" door is closing, but the "after 35" door is wide open and I have no reason to not want to walk through it instead. 

Goals are important because they keep us focussed. Keep us hoping and wanting. Goals have helped me write five books, with one more in progress, and enough ideas to keep me moving for years to come. But not every one has to be met. It's okay if the goal's only accomplishment was keeping me motivated. And it's okay if I have to reset the clock. Because failing to meet a goal doesn't have to mean the end; sometimes it just means I have a reason to set a new one. 

I haven't hit the bullseye yet, I sure as hell plan to keep throwing darts.

Photo credit; ABC

Photo credit; ABC

pretty little reaction: can I get a Hanna?

Photo credit: Freeform

Photo credit: Freeform


After Hanna’s shocking abduction by “Uber A,” the PLLs and company desperately race against the clock to save one of their own. The only way to do this is by handing over evidence of Charlotte’s real murderer to “Uber A.” In order to do so, the girls must decide what blatant lines they are willing to cross that they have never breached before; and once they cross that line, there is no turning back.

Official synopsis courtesy of

Photo credit: Freeform

Photo credit: Freeform

1. Who are the liars burying? They're definitely upset enough for it to be Hanna, but I'm not convinced it's Hanna. Still, definitely related to Hanna in some way...maybe they kill Jordan? Do we know how far in the future this is? 

2. Determined and Passionate Hot Caleb is my favourite Hot Caleb. His feelings for Hanna are definitely showing. And how much he freaks out when he thinks she's dead in the bell tower? Sigh. Go get your girl, Hot Caleb. 

3. The new A has really stepped it up. That Hanna doll is Hillywood special effects perfect! Is it too much to ask that they later have a really good explanation for that? Also, is Uber A texting Mona now? Is that new?

4. Spencer is clearly miffed by Hot Caleb's devotion to Hanna, and distancing from her--including a hang up! Maybe just focus on Tony, Spence. Even if he is engaged. (He's still engaged right? I need to rewatch the finale...)

5. I love how Ezra still always seems like a school teacher. Even when he's sneaking around with the liars. It has a bit of a "who brought their dad?" quality to it. 

6. I'm kind of skimming over the Emily and Alison stuff. I guess I just don't like Ali stuck in a bed, when I'd prefer her out and being her feisty Ali self. I don't think she killed Charlotte, but it would be a good twist later if they could throw us off her trail again. 

7. I realize this is a stupid question--but shouldn't they involve the cops at some point? I get that having Toby be a cop sort of helps with this constant problem, but come on, Hanna's life is on the line! 

8. Hanna's dream about Spencer is sweet. I do wonder why her? Because she's in the part of Hanna's brain that's clever and scheming? 

9. I love that Hanna escapes, especially considering how distracted all the liars seem to be while trying to rescue her. Plus, girl power and all that. Hanna is and always has been totally capable. But damn I do want a scene where Hot Caleb saves her. I hope that happens in some form, but it looks like she's with Mary Drake for now. Is she the one who checked on Hanna and found she wasn't there? Was Rollins the one who picked up the red jacket? Probably not because both of those things are too obvious! But Rollins sure did change his tune quickly regarding Ali...

10. One thing is for sure--Ali is in for a lot of trouble this season. And I really hope they don't just keep her locked up. I want Ali on the loose, kicking ass and taking names. It's gonna be an exciting season! 

Prettiest Little Quote of the Week:

"And then what, waterboard her?" -Mona, being her awesome Mona self


friday5 for June 17, 2016


Well, the summer is filling up quickly, and I can already say, the Friday5 is not going to be able to be a weekly feature over the next few months. There's just too much going on! But it's all good. And we all need a little vacation sometimes. I wish I could say the reason there hasn't been a June Friday5 yet is because I've been relaxing, but it's actually quite the opposite. I've been working like a mad woman on everything from freelance edits, to back cover copy, to my own writing, to attending end of the school year events with Little E, to building a vegetable garden in the backyard, to, well, the list goes on. But I think you get the idea. It's been a busy few weeks, and it doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

Everyday life stuff aside, I've also been finding myself feeling a bit overwhelmed by life stuff lately as well. A lot of heavy stuff in the news, pushing down, settling deep. If you happen to be reading this at a time other than the week of June 17, 2016, maybe google what was going on and you'll see what I mean. I don't really want to get into it here because I know I can't do it justice, so I'll just say this: the world is full of love and goodness, but it's not enough. We need more of it. We're at like, 80% love, and we need closer to 95%, maybe even 100%. Okay, I can already feel myself wanting to launch into a long rant, so I'll leave it at that. Love. LOVE <3

I also want to add a quick note about the ups and downs of being on submission, because I'm in a bit of a down trend right now, feeling the hopelessness (which is probably only compounded by badness in the world right now). I've posted in the past about rejection, and how it's all part of the journey, and how you can't take it personally, and need a thick skin, and can usually learn so much from the experience, and YES, all of that is so, so true. But even when you know that logically, you can still find yourself in a funk sometimes. It's rough ride. And if I somehow knew it would work out in the end, I wouldn't mind the bumps so much, but not knowing makes it hard sometimes. Of course, that doesn't stop me from writing, and it doesn't stop me from trying. Even when I'm feeling really down about the whole thing, the seeds of hope are still there, asking me to water them, because they want to grow big again. They don't want me to give up, and thank goodness, that's usually enough--enough to keep going. Keep working hard and keep hoping. Maybe you can relate, in some way or another, with regards something that you want, but can only do so much to achieve. If you don't want to give up, you have to learn to live with hoping, but not knowing. You just have to. Because when you want something, there's no other option than to keep going.

But enough about that. Let's get to some news, shall we?


Photo credit: @HPPlayLDN via Twitter

Photo credit: @HPPlayLDN via Twitter

I feel I must address the fact that Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has now been seen. I won't post any spoilers here but I will note that I have read them, and everything I've heard has me hoping more than ever that a much wider audience will get to see the play, as opposed to just reading it when it hits the shelves on July 31st. Screen it in theatres, show it on TV, I don't care, but let us see it. Because it sounds like something that needs to be seen. And while I'm certain I'll still buy the play when it comes out, I can't help but feel I'll be missing something vital if I don't get to see it with my own two eyes. 


Photo credit: EW

Photo credit: EW

Are you excited for Bryan Fuller's adaptation of Neil Gaiman's American Gods? You really should be. The cast is shaping up to be fantastic (Gillian Anderson!), and you can't go wrong with the source material. EW has just released a few teaser images to whet our appetites too. Will you be watching when American Gods debuts?


Note: This section of the Friday5 was formerly called, "Trailer Worth Watching"--I've decided to rename it to open it up to other share-worthy videos, though this week, it is a trailer for what looks like Disney's next hit:



They are four best friends who've shared joy and secrets, love and memories, and since the beginning, Lorna was the one who held them all together. Then, the unthinkable happens. During a storm, Lorna is swept out to sea, leaving the three survivors with nothing to cling to except grief and questions. How did this happen? Why was Lorna in such danger, and was she alone? When her body is never found, the mystery deepens. Did Lorna really die? Or has she made a crazy bid for freedom? Inevitably, the dynamic of the four friends' everyday life is changed forever. But the pain and confusion go deepest for Jackie, who must face her feelings of unrequited love for Lorna's boyfriend as well as try to put to rest her own questions about Lorna's presumed death. Does one of the boys in their inner circle know more than he's letting on? Will Lorna's fate ever be discovered? And how will Jackie become her own person in the wake of a wound that may never close? In this beautifully written, intense novel, one girl has to travel through loss and disillusionment to make sense of her own future.

-Courtesy of Indiebound


Happy Weekend!

friday5 for May 27, 2016

What happens when you mix the Friday5 with The Writer's Arsenal? Why, an all writing-related edition of the Friday5, of course! And since this is primarily an author blog, I'm assuming you won't mind the diversion.

When people find out I'm a writer, not all, but many mention that they'd love to read something I've written. My usual response is, "well, hopefully one day you'll be able to!" But lately, I've been thinking a lot about ways I can share snippets of my writing with curious friends and family, without sending full manuscripts out all willy-nilly. And that brings me to today's special edition of the Friday5, which is about writing sites. Specifically, sites where writers can share their work. Now, obviously, writers can always share their stuff right on their own personal websites, but it won't have the same exposure or reach as it might on a platform specifically designed for sharing creative works. So today, I'm going to take a look at five such shared writing platforms, and maybe, whether you write as a hobby or in pursuit of publication, you'll find a good place to share a taste of your own work. 


Admittedly, I haven't researched the numbers, but Wattpad claims to be the biggest writing community out there, and as far as web presence goes, I'd have to agree. If you know any of the sites on this list, you probably know Wattpad. From fiction to fanfiction to just about anything else your imagination can conjure, Wattpad is ready and waiting for your creativity. I don't have any personal experience using Wattpad, but it's the go-to for a lot of collaborations with publishers when it comes to contests, and sometimes even book deals. I will probably give it more of a look one day, but for now, I have a few other sites I find myself more drawn too (see below).


Figment is the first website of this type I've ever personally used. It's targeted at YA, which is a natural match for my writing, and it also has a heavy emphasis on Fantasy and Sci-Fi (again, a good match). It's YA slant is obvious right from the homepage, with a fun, youthful design, and links to create, read, and participate in polls, quizzes, and contests. A contest is actually what first drew me to Figment, and the short sci-fi story I wrote for it, while not chosen for an anthology they were putting together, did earn me a personal email from the author judging the contest, noting that she loved my story, but it was too similar to another story in the anthology. So, Figment will always hold a special place in my heart because of that.  


If you're not one for flashy graphics and other distractions, FictionPress is probably the site for you. We're talking bare bones, with an emphasis on category fiction and poetry. Not a lot else to say about this one, but I did want to include a site that gets to the point, and is reminiscent of what fanfiction sites used to be back in the day before website design got all super fancy on us. 


What sets Scribophile apart from the other sites is its emphasis on reading and critiquing the works of other writers. In their own words, "Scribophile is a respectful online writing workshop and writer’s community. Writers of all skill levels join to improve each other’s work with thoughtful critiques and by sharing their writing experience."  In fact, you can't even post your own writing to Scribophile until you've earned "karma points" by reading others' works. If you're looking for a site where your writing won't just sit there unread, Scribophile might be a good option, but you do have to give a little to get a little, which, let's face it, should always be the case, right? 


Finally we arrive at what's probably my favourite shared writing site, Storybird. What sets Storybird apart from the others? Well, for one, it's just so damn pretty. And there's something about that little blue bird that just makes me want to create adorable stories. Storybird has a whole visual element to it that the other shared writing sites don't quite capture. It's where authors and illustrators can come together to create beautiful stories and share them with a young, vibrant community of readers and fellow artists. I heart it.

So, to bring this whole thing full circle, I'm going to go back to what I said above about people asking to read my work. Well, now you can sample a taste, both here on the website, and on Figment. To read samples of my works here on the website, please click on the BOOKS link at the top (or, if you're too lazy for that, I'll include links below too). There you'll find the same story synopses I've always had here on the site, but you'll also find new links to samples from each of my completed works. The selections featured here on the site have been taken from varying points in each book, but if you'd like to read the first chapter of each book, you'll also find a link to those on Figment. As always, I'm happy to hear feedback from anyone who takes a look. Happy reading, and if you plan on checking out any of the above sites, happy writing! I'd love to hear about any experiences, good or bad, in the comments, along with any links anyone would like to share to their work!

Read a selection from Shimmer and Shade
Shimmer and Shade, first chapter on Figment

Read a selection from Skin Deep
Skin Deep, first chapter on Figment

Read a selection from The Broken Season
The Broken Season, first chapter on Figment

Read a selection from This Hideous Heart
This Hideous Heart, first chapter on Figment


friday2(!) for May 20, 2016


Welcome to the Friday2...hey, it's better than nothing. This is the life of a freelancer. You think you'll have time to get everything done, and then work comes along and says, "Nope!" But I can't send you into the long weekend with nothing, so Friday2 it is! 

I can't believe we've almost been home from vacation for a whole week. It went by in a blink, and so did the trip, which is why I'm seeing May 20th on my calendar and scratching my head with great confusion. Is it really the "May 24" weekend already? We had a great time exploring all that New Brunswick and PEI have to offer a family with two small children in May. Great weather, fantastic food, and we just won't mention the flight. Actually, the kids were good overall. Once we were up in the air, they were both happy. But take-off was less than kind to Baby H, who may or may not have been convinced we were torturing him. 

I won't get into the details of our trip, because who needs that, but I will share this pic of E at the Anne of Green Gables house. I have to say, it was great to watch the kids run around Green Gables--they had a blast--but as a writer, who enjoyed Anne as a child, it was a lot of fun for me too. I even brought home a cute, smooth, little stone (shh don't tell) from the haunted woods, which I'm going to keep as a good luck writing charm on my desk. It's my small little connection to a great Canadian author, LM Montgomery :)


Back next week cause I don't have time today! 


For some people, silence is a weapon. For Mallory "Mouse" Dodge, it's a shield. Growing up, she learned that the best way to survive was to say nothing. And even though it's been four years since her nightmare ended, she's beginning to worry that the fear that holds her back will last a lifetime. 
Now, after years of homeschooling with loving adoptive parents, Mallory must face a new milestone--spending her senior year at public high school. But of all the terrifying and exhilarating scenarios she's imagined, there's one she never dreamed of--that she'd run into Rider Stark, the friend and protector she hasn't seen since childhood, on her very first day. 
It doesn't take long for Mallory to realize that the connection she shared with Rider never really faded. Yet the deeper their bond grows, the more it becomes apparent that she's not the only one grappling with lingering scars from the past. And as she watches Rider's life spiral out of control, Mallory must make a choice between staying silent and speaking out--for the people she loves, the life she wants and the truths that need to be heard.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

That's it for me this week! Sorry for the Friday2, but I need to get packing cause we're off to the cottage in a few short hours...

Happy LONG Weekend (if you're in Canada)!

friday5 for May 6, 2016


I don't know what it is about this spring (wait, yes I do; fluctuating temperatures!), but we are on a cycle of nonstop illnesses. First it's heads colds, then stomach bugs, then terrible, no good, very bad coughs with fever and runny noses and ugh. It's too much. And it's been getting in the way of my writing time. If I'm not sick, one of the kids is. But this week ended up being not nearly as bad as it could've been, because only one child was sick, and it didn't seem to last. So while I did lose a whole day of writing during my first week in a while that I didn't also have freelance work, I also had some very productive days too. I'm at that point in my WIP where I'm really hitting my stride. The characters are coming to life, the plot is basically writing itself, and I managed to get 5k words on the page today without batting an eye. I love days like this. I wish I had more days like this, but ideally without the guilt that I assume all mothers experience when they have a good, productive day that has nothing to do with their children. Though, that's not really true either. 95% of the reason I write is because I love it. Because I couldn't not write. Because it's in my bones, and the story ideas keep coming. But the other 5% is because I want the arguably flexible career of a writer, so I can be available to my kids as they grow up. Okay, that summary of my week sort of went off the rails a bit at the end there, but it's all still worth noting. 

I suppose I should add here that there won't be a Friday5 next week because we're taking a little family vacation to the east coast. That's the other thing that's been consuming my time this week. Packing for three, and doing everything I can to make sure our first flight with the kids goes as smoothly as possible. Please pray for my sanity. 

CC0 Public Domain

CC0 Public Domain


You may have already seen this, but the cover is so fab it's worth repeating. Veronica Roth's next book, Carve the Mark,  her follow-up to the Divergent series, has been announced, and while the plot summary is a little "been there, done that" for my taste, the cover is, as I said, quite lovely. Sure, the Divergent film franchise has failed to deliver in a lot of ways, but I can't pretend I didn't enjoy Divergent when I read it the first time around. Roth may not be the most experienced writer, but she has a wonderful imagination, and her characterization is strong. I don't doubt I'll be picking this one up when it comes out next year. 


My week in pop culture has primarily been dominated by good TV (okay, most weeks are...) and the fact that I finally got around to watching The Force Awakens, just in time for May the 4th. Yes, I know. I know. And no, I didn't manage to remain unspoiled. That was a losing battle right from the start. But anyway, back to delicious, delightful finale season (plus, the return of spring/summer favs)--is anybody else totally digging the final season arc on Agents of Shield? (Is anyone else watching Agents of Shield?) Right now it's neck and neck with the brilliant final episodes of iZombie for my fav 2016 season ender (PLL aside, cause, come on!). Of course, the finale is yet to air, and depending on what happens, it may or may not end up anywhere near the top spot, but right now, I'm digging it. I really do love Brett Dalton, and not just cause he's super hot. He's been fantastic as Hive, and seeing him with Daisy/Skye again is just fantastic. Regardless of your thoughts on the pairing, they have a boatload of chemistry. Any other shows out there ending on a particularly strong note worth noting? Share 'em in the comments!

Photo Credit: ABC

Photo Credit: ABC


There's a part of me that wants to hate this because the movie's title makes me CRINGE. Actually, the whole concept makes me cringe. But there's a lot of good going on here (KRISTEN BELL, obviously, and poking holes in oversensitive parenting methods) and Mila Kunis is always enjoyable too.  


"I believe in possibility. Of magic, of omens, of compasses, of love. Some of it's a little bit true."
Sixteen-year-old Tal is a Wanderer, a grifter whose life is built around the sound of wheels on the road, the customs of her camp, and the artful scams that keep her fed. With her brother, Wen, by her side, it's the only life she's ever known. It's the only one she's ever needed. 
Then in a sleepy Southern town, the queen of cons picks the wrong mark when she meets Spencer Swaythe clean-cut Socially Secured boy who ends up hustling her instead of the other way around. For the first time, she sees a reason to stay. As her obligations to the camp begin to feel like a prison sentence, the pull to leave tradition behind has never been so strong. 
But the Wanderers live by signs, and all the signs all say that Tal and Spencer will end only in heartache and disaster. Is a chance at freedom worth almost certain destruction?

-Courtesy of Indiebound


Happy Weekend!

friday5 for April 29, 2016

Happy almost May! We finally made it. After a long winter, and a weird (so far) spring, we're just about to dive into May, which is what we refer to here in Ontario as the start of patio/cottage season. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year :) I, for one, plan to take advantage by taking my laptop out onto the deck on writing days. There's just something about writing outside. I swear the fresh air inspires kickass ideas. But enough about what's to come, here's the Friday5 for the week!


It's been another busy week for me, full of everything from filing my taxes (this is late for me, a sign of how busy I've been), to freelance copywriting, to working on my long-neglected WIP. I actually really enjoy doing my taxes. I always have. There's something satisfying about that kind of paperwork. That said, I enjoy working on freelance assignments more, and I enjoy working on my WIP even more. This week involved a good survey of things I enjoy, juxtaposed in such a way that the enjoyment I feel when I'm writing my own stuff really stood out. It made me wish there were more hours in the day, and it definitely made me wish I could've spent the whole week working on my WIP. But, for now, life won't allow that. I was originally hoping to have this book finished by now, but I've still got a good 20-25k to go. Sometimes plans change, and probably the only good thing about not being published, is that I'm only on the deadlines I set for myself. I still take those seriously. I think any writer needs to. But if paying work comes in, I have to put that first, even if it sadly puts my WIP on the back-burner.

CC0 Public Domain; This is NOT what it looks like when I do my taxes.

CC0 Public Domain; This is NOT what it looks like when I do my taxes.


In a potentially fascinating move by Bloomsbury, they've announced anthology that pairs YA authors with Booktubers (influential cook-centric vloggers), titled BECAUSE YOU LOVE TO HATE ME. The anthology will feature a collection of short stories and essays, with, of course, a common theme tying everything together (in this case, good vs. evil). The project is, to my knowledge, the first of its kind, and should be very interesting to dive into and dissect. PW has the full story here if you're interested in reading more:   

Courtesy of Bloomsbury |&nbsp;Final Cover to Come

Courtesy of Bloomsbury | Final Cover to Come


I'm admittedly a little behind on my pop culture news, but I did come across this video and just had to share, because, well, you'll see :)


Chills, you guys. Absolute chills. 


As heir to a kingdom of floating continents, Kali has spent her life bound by limits: by her duties as a member of the royal family, by a forced betrothal to the son of a nobleman, and by the edge of the only world she's ever known, a small island hovering above a monster-ridden earth, long since uninhabited by humans. She is the Eternal Flame of Hope for what's left of mankind, the wick and the wax burning in service for her people, and for their revered Phoenix, whose magic keeps them aloft. 
When Kali falls off the edge of her kingdom and miraculously survives, she is shocked to discover there are still humans on the earth. Determined to get home, Kali entrusts a rugged monster-hunter named Griffin to guide her across a world overrun by chimera, storm dragons, basilisks and other terrifying creatures. But the more time she spends on earth, the more dark truths she begins to uncover about her home in the sky, and the more resolute she is to start burning for herself.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

Happy Weekend!

friday5 for April 22, 2016

Okay, confession time: this isn't really a proper Friday5 post. I had every intention of doing one today, as something of a spring makeover for the Friday5, but then I got hit by an awful stomach bug earlier this week and that pretty much derailed my plans. 

That said, I did want to do something, since it's been a few weeks of back-to-back busy-ness and radio silence. So here's a quick preview of the new format. No longer will the Friday5 be a mostly random list, changing from week to week; I'm hoping a little structure will infuse it with a bit more diversity, and help streamline the content. 

Presenting the new Friday5 line-up:


From now on, the first section of the Friday5 will be devoted to all things meeee! :) Well, sort of. It will serve as a quick glimpse into what I've been up to in any given week, my writing, etc. It's also a place for me to share things I've come across that don't fit into the other categories.


It's probably not surprising that books and publishing are getting their own slot in the new Friday5. This is an author blog, after all. Everything from changes in the industry, to book deals, to movie rights, etc. If it's book-related and exciting, I'm probably going to want to talk about it. 


No surprises here either. What's the Friday5 without a little pop culture news? My challenge moving forward is going to be only selecting one story per week...


Since I seem to often have a TV, movie, or book trailer worth sharing, I feel pretty confident there will be a few contenders for this slot every week too. Trust me, it'll always be something you won't want to have missed. 


Because some things never change (and shouldn't), the final piece of the Friday5 every week will continue to be devoted to noteworthy new books in the young adult genre. Keep those to-read lists handy!

That's it for now--stay tuned for the first real edition of the revised Friday5 next week (assuming I don't get swamped by work, or illness, or any of the other things that have made April essentially disappear).

Happy weekend!  

friday5 for April 1, 2016

Happy April Fool's Day! I promise I won't attempt to pull any fast ones on you today, dear blog readers. The truth is, I'm just not that good at pranks. Maybe one day, but for now, it's enough for me to use today's Friday5 to share a selection of the internet's best gags with you, in case you don't have time to go looking yourself (feel free to share some of your favs in the comments)--and of course, we're also long overdue for a Noteworthy New YA recommendation, so let's get to it!

1. Google has a history of being all over April Fool's Day, and today was no exception. Here's just one of their awesome offerings:

2. WestJet's new inflight helper takes on a lightly HAL-esque personality in this gag ad:

3. Too busy gaming to eat? Razer has you covered:

4. Okay this is actually from yesterday, so not technically an April Fool's thing, but I didn't see it until this morning, and I can't not share:

5. Noteworthy New YA: WALK THE EDGE by Katie McGarry (Thunder Road #2)

One moment of recklessness will change their worlds.

Smart. Responsible. That's seventeen-year-old Breanna's role in her large family, and heaven forbid she put a toe out of line. Until one night of shockingly un-Breanna-like behavior puts her into a vicious cyber-bully's line of fire—and brings fellow senior Thomas "Razor" Turner into her life. 

Razor lives for the Reign of Terror motorcycle club, and good girls like Breanna just don't belong. But when he learns she's being blackmailed over a compromising picture of the two of them—a picture that turns one unexpected and beautiful moment into ugliness—he knows it's time to step outside the rules. 

And so they make a pact: he'll help her track down her blackmailer, and in return she'll help him seek answers to the mystery that's haunted him—one that not even his club brothers have been willing to discuss. But the more time they spend together, the more their feelings grow. And suddenly they're both walking the edge of discovering who they really are, what they want, and where they're going from here.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

Happy Weekend!

(early) happy easter

Just a quick post to say no regular post this week. I'll be busy playing catchup after March break and preparing for the long Easter weekend ahead. I do have a quick book recommendation though! If you find yourself with a little extra reading time on your hands this weekend, my agentmate, Emily Bleeker, recently released her sophomore offering, WHEN I'M GONE, and while I haven't had a chance to dive in yet myself, if it's anything like her stunning debit, WRECKAGE, it's going to be terrific. Check it out: 

Luke Richardson has returned home after burying Natalie, his beloved wife of sixteen years, ready to face the hard job of raising their three children alone. But there's something he's not prepared for a blue envelope with his name scrawled across the front in Natalie's handwriting, waiting for him on the floor of their suburban Michigan home.

The letter inside, written on the first day of Natalie's cancer treatment a year ago, turns out to be the first of many. Luke is convinced they re genuine, but who is delivering them? As his obsession with the letters grows, Luke uncovers long-buried secrets that make him question everything he knew about his wife and their family. But the revelations also point the way toward a future where love goes on in written words, in memories, and in the promises it's never too late to keep.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

I hope you all have a fantastic week and a wonderful long weekend, full of good food and good people, whether you celebrate with chocolate eggs or not. And for those who do, Happy Easter!

pretty little reaction: too many secrets, not enough plan Bs

6.20 Hush hush sweet liars | Photo credit: Freeform

6.20 Hush hush sweet liars | Photo credit: Freeform

Well, I hate to keep things brief for a season finale, but it's also March Break and my time is limited...of course, I can't NOT share some thoughts on this explosive finale, which yes, I definitely enjoyed, and yes, it definitely has me salivating for the next half season, even though no, I did not like a particular fav liar of mine ending the episode in jeopardy (but I also liked it; more on that below). Let's get right to it, shall we? (oh, and this is more than a top 10, cause this is stream of consciousness blogging here, and honestly, this finale packed in way too much for me to narrow it down.)

Looking for A-Moji | Photo credit: Freeform

Looking for A-Moji | Photo credit: Freeform

  1. Hanna trusts Hot Caleb. Spencer does too. And Aria's face after they both say this is priceless. Go back and check it out if you can. 
  2. Where's Jason? I know he's running the family business but where is he physically? I feel like this season could have been even more crazy if he'd been around. I was never much of a Jason fan to begin with, but he's tied up in all this family drama so I hope he's back for Season 7.
  3. Toby's glasses. That is all.
  4. Does anybody even remotely know what Sara Harvey is doing right now or ever? Cause I have no clue. Like, if she's not bad, why does she do ANY of the things she does?
  5. I don't care enough about Nicole to care that she's maybe dead. (Plus, she's almost definitely not dead, right? She's going to suddenly come back to rain on Ezria's parade, I just know it.)
  6. What the hell Ali's dead mom! 
  7. It's kind of patronizing that the liars keep referring to it as "babysitting Ali". Old Ali wouldn't have stood for that shit.
  8. It seems extra strange that they're also sitting around drinking wine. I get that they're "all grown up now" but they seem to sit around drinking wine a lot. Which, okay, I kinda love.
  9. Spaleb scene.. blaaaah. But worth noting, she said I love you and he silently responded with, "Oh. Oh, no. No, it's not like that. I love Hanna."
  10. Ezria = "Our book is going to be a bestseller, now let's get it on."
  11. Haleb flashback is pretty heartbreaking. But also begs the question, how quickly did Hot Caleb get out of there? He didn't seem to linger at all. Plus, leaving his phone behind seems very unlike him.  
  12. Hanna still love Hot Caleb. No surprise there, right? But it's so nice to see her say it, and it's even nicer to see that HE is the one who makes a move to kiss her. Like, without even wanting to "talk about it" or process the info, or pull the, "but I'm with Spencer now!" card. Nope, he just wants to kiss his sweet Hanna again. And my Haleb shipper heart breaths a massive sigh. Let it also be noted: Spencer says I love you, and Hot Caleb leaves. Hanna says it, and he makes out with her. Yeah. That's pretty much all you need to know about that..
  13. Sad Ali in the church almost seems as stupid as all the crazy solo missions Em has gone on this season. Where do these girls come up with these random potentially dangerous ideas from?
  14. I kinda love Mona the party crasher. She just shows up everywhere you don't want her to be. But Spencer seems to actually kinda be okay with it. 
  15. Also, since I haven't mentioned it yet, I'm glad there is still clearly a Spoby spark cause Spencer is about to get her heart broken...
  16. Mary Drake is the twin! This does not surprise me. Okay, the part where she's Charlotte's real mother was a bit surprising, but I think her being Ali's aunt is a lot less surprising. 
  17. Also not surprising is Mr. Ali being evil. I totally called it. I did not call him being British however. And I should have because apparently the actor is British. 
  18. Hanna is gone. On the surface, I am so not okay with my fav liar being in danger, but did you see how Hot Caleb freaked out, and how angry he seemed with himself at the end? He feels like he let her down, and worse, maybe he's lost her forever. Except no, the show won't off Hanna. She's too awesome. Which means we should get an amazing Hanna rescue (or, dare I ask for it, Hanna escape?) where Hot Caleb does anything to get her back, followed by the hottest of all Haleb reunions. If the show is more adult now, more, let's say, freeform, whatever that means, and we're seeing more nudity (and boy, if this episode was any indicator...), I think season 7 needs to start off with a bang. Literally. A hot Haleb reunion bang. Make it happen, PLL.

No quote of the week this time, because I didn't have time to write one down :) Is anybody else super excited for season 7a? I know I am. Haleb forever.

Sorry for typos. No time to edit. 



friday5 for March 11, 2016

I don't know about you, but I'm bracing myself for March Break next week. If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm looking forward to a few days where it'll be just me and my girl E (with Baby H in daycare), but I know E is going to miss the routine of school, and will probably get quite squirrely by the end of the week. That I'm not looking forward to... Needless to say, there won't be a Friday5 next week, but with the PLL finale airing, there will be at least something of a Pretty Little Reaction post. Housekeeping note over. Let's get to the Friday5!

1. Have you seen the official promo for the new season of Game of Thrones? No? Then you need to. Yes? Then you need to watch it again. There are a lot of goodies in here to discuss. Where to start? Oh, I dunno, how about BRAN AND THE FREAKIN' NIGHT'S KING? Okay, clearly this isn't really happening cause Bran is standing tall, but what's that all about? Is it possible Bran's story won't bore me as much as it has up to this point? We will soon find out!

2. Speaking of GoT, does anybody believe Kit Harrington's claims? Anybody? I'm seriously asking. I go back and forth about this several times a week. It's not like the guy has to worry about credibility. Not really. 

Photo credit: HBO

Photo credit: HBO

3. Queen Rowling herself is releasing a whole lot of new information about the North American Wizarding World, to mixed reviews (but let's not get into that here). Feelings about the specifics aside, does anybody else find this feels kind of surreal? Harry Potter fans have been immersed in the UK Wizarding world for so long that it feels really, really strange to now hear these kinds of details about magic's existence outside that. Don't get me wrong, I love the expansion of the wizarding world. I want it to live and grow forever, but it all feels so...disconnected for me right now. Like, everything in HP 1-7 is real, and this somehow isn't. Maybe Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them will change that. I hope so.  

4. Get ready for more Kimmel. ABC has announced that Jimmy Kimmel has been tapped to host the 168th Primetime Emmy awards. I think this is a good choice. He did a plenty good job the last time he hosted, and when it comes to these awards shows, I always find the best hosts are the people who are used to hosting as a regular gig. Should be good. Let's just hope the nominations reflect the actual best talent out there, and not just the same old tired choices year over year. 

Photo credit: ABC

Photo credit: ABC

5. Noteworthy New YA: BURN BABY BURN by Meg Medina

While violence runs rampant throughout New York, a teenage girl faces danger within her own home in Meg Medina's riveting coming-of-age novel. 
Nora Lopez is seventeen during the infamous New York summer of 1977, when the city is besieged by arson, a massive blackout, and a serial killer named Son of Sam who shoots young women on the streets. Nora's family life isn t going so well either: her bullying brother, Hector, is growing more threatening by the day, her mother is helpless and falling behind on the rent, and her father calls only on holidays. All Nora wants is to turn eighteen and be on her own. And while there "is "a cute new guy who started working with her at the deli, is dating even worth the risk when the killer likes picking off couples who stay out too late? Award-winning author Meg Medina transports us to a time when New York seemed balanced on a knife-edge, with tempers and temperatures running high, to share the story of a young woman who discovers that the greatest dangers are often closer than we like to admit and the hardest to accept.

-Courtesy of Indiebound

pretty little reaction: love will find a way

6.19 Did You Miss Me? | Photo Credit: Freeform

6.19 Did You Miss Me? | Photo Credit: Freeform

Wow, how did we get to the second last episode of the season already? These little half seasons really fly by. So not ready for the break, but at least things are looking up for Haleb before the finale. Yes, okay, they're not back together, but they are working together, and making Spencer jealous, which to me, means two things: 1. Hanna and Hot Caleb trust each other pretty much anyone else (and stand united together, no matter what), and 2. The honeymoon is official over for Spaleb. I can't help but wonder what Hot Caleb would have done if Spencer had been against Haleb's plan. But again, PLL showed us how the girls have matured with the time jump by having her force herself to be cool with it. Cause that's what grown-ups do... Anyway, enough about that, let's get to the episode!

Don't mess with Hanna | Photo credit: Freeform

Don't mess with Hanna | Photo credit: Freeform

  1. I've personally never been a big Hanna and Lucas fan for obvious reasons (dude needs to move on), but they work quite nicely as friends. That I can get behind. But the whole Lucas wanting to buy her a building feels an awful lot like Pacey buying Joey a wall. Do we really need to go down this road again, with Lucas pining for Hanna. He now has two guys in his way, in Jordan and Hot Caleb. Lucas, buddy, it's not going to happen.
  2. Ali's husband is definitely sketchy. Maybe I'm reading too much into it--or maybe this is symptomatic of PLL making me suspect everyone--but he's super suspicious, right? Did he push Ali down the stairs? Maybe. Probably.
  3. The card with the X'd out liars on it really stands out to me. And not because of its contents, but because the front of it is a freakin staircase. Maybe Ali is too far away to have seen it, but I'd expect that to stand out to anyone walking around the room, as it did to Hanna. So then why didn't Mr. Ali notice it? Maybe because HE PUT IT THERE? Did it suddenly mysteriously appear after he dropped off more flowers? Cause that's kind of what it looked like. Or is this all just a red herring and it's just coincidentally weird that nobody before Hanna questioned sending a staircase card to a girl who just fell down the stairs?
  4. Sara Harvey's handy man and Mona. I don't know what to think. My gut instinct these days is to trust Mona, but I dunno. She's done a lot of really bizarre stuff in the past. And what's with the handy man standing around eating ice cream like a big weirdo? That whole scene was strange. And Emily's attempts to be covert were not the best. Em, for the last time, it's called back-up.
  5. Is it just me or is Ezra's book kinda bad? I couldn't stop thinking about that during the Nicole flashback. Or maybe the acting is just way over the top. 
  6. Hanna needs Hot Caleb. She really, truly needs him. And he needs her too--he just won't admit it. But he will help. And he will stand by Hanna no matter what. I love the fierceness of this pairing, even if it's a "business partnership". We all know what's really going on. Yes, Spencer. Be wary. You should be. 
  7. The hand grab. Yes, it was in the previews, but that didn't make it any less magical. Actually, I was kinda shocked by how it all went down. Hanna just sort of went for it. A sign of solidarity is one thing, but that felt an awful lot more like a brazen claiming of territory. And Hot Caleb doesn't really seem to mind until he realizes Spencer is looking, and then he just looks like a million thoughts are racing through his mind. Poor guy is going to have some tough decisions to make soon, I think. 
  8. Spencer sure is drinking a lot wine...
  9. The Spaleb Europe flashback probably yields the most chemistry I've observed between the two of them, but it's vacation romance. It's not real. It's got that glow of "we're all alone here and the real world is miles away." It still feels like solace, not love. 
  10. The Haleb plan goes forward. Hanna confesses to killing Charlotte--but will Devil Emoji buy it? I have a feeling this is almost definitely going to blow back in their faces. That's the PLL way, after all. But however it goes down, I definitely hope it brings both Haleb and Spoby closer together again. 

Prettiest Little Quote of the Week:

"We're all connected like a big bowl of linguini." -Hanna (or like a bunch of friends with secrets and lies...)