pretty little reaction: burn, baby, burn
/6.18 Burn This | Photo Credit: Freeform
No Friday5 this week. I spent the time I normally would've spent pulling it together volunteering in my daughter's classroom instead. #sorrynotsorry We spent the time learning about five types of simple machines, which, now that I think about it--Friday5, Five simple machines--maybe I could've killed two birds with one stone? Does anybody care to learn about levers and wedges? No? Okay, then let's talk PLL instead. Things are really *ahem* heating up in this week's episode! Again, #sorrynotsorry
It was totally the girl on the right... | Photo credit: Freeform
- So Ali and Mr. Ali are married. I can't seem to ever remember his name and since I'm too lazy to look it up. Mr. Ali it is! What are the odds this guy is Devil Emoji? Or Black SUV? About the same as the odds that anyone is DE or BSUV? Yeah, that's what I figured.
- Toby is back! And he's busting skulls...but wait, Toby! Don't hit Hot Caleb's beautiful face! When I saw this scene in the previews for the season way back when, I had really hoped/assumed (didn't we all?) that the punch was over Spencer, but now that it's happened, I'm glad it's not. I have to say, PLL is handling these new relationships with a lot of maturity--I mean, punching aside. That's not so mature, but at least it was over Toby's current girlfriend and not his ex. I find myself again legit buying into the five year time jump. Well done, PLL.
- I kind of adore the interaction between Ashely and Hot Caleb this week. Ash, ain't nobody gonna blame you for favouring that boy. Hot and sweet as Jordan is, Hot Caleb is the quintessential cute hacker boy next door.
- Aria and Ezra are writing a book together now. This should go well.
- Oh Emily, I honestly don't know if you're badass or braindead. Why do you keep going on these dangerous missions alone? At least she found out a few things this week. More on that below...
- Hanna continues to be just not that into all things related to her wedding, and by extension, Jordan. Look, I'm sure she was plenty happy with him back in fairytale NY, but now that she's back in Rosewood and is constantly being exposes to reminders of the lost love of her life Hot Caleb, it's not surprising this isn't turning out to be the most blissful engagement. Is anybody else kind of hoping for a scene where Hanna finally breaks her cool exterior and Ashley soothingly points out that she's clearly still in love with Hot Caleb? Cause yeah, Ash totally knows what's up.
- Someone who doesn't know what's up is Spencer's dad. Who, dude. Your daughter is an adult now. You can treat her like one. As much as I'm not a fan of Spaleb, Daddy Hastings has no right telling Spence who she can and cannot date. That said, Spencer, please stop dating Hot Caleb. Just don't do it because of your dad. Do it because you have so much more chemistry with Toby. Speaking of which...
- More flashbacks! More flashbacks! I am yet to meet a PLL flashback I didn't like. And this week's FB is solid gold. It's no secret that I haven't been feeling Spencer this season, what with the girl code violations and the icky barn hook-ups, but seeing "old Spencer" back with Toby, even at a very sad, and touching time, was really great. When these two inevitably get back together, I want some sort of a "you were always good enough" moment. I can't believe I'm saying this about Toby...the Creeper Toby of days past. What can I say? I feel for the guy.
- Oh Aria. Poor Aria. What a horrible thing to have to suffer through--wait. What? Only her arm got hurt? HER ARM? Okay, whatever. At least her family is there in her time of...wait. What? Where are her parents? Why did only Hanna feel the need to go to the hospital? What is going on here?? Oh, there's Ezra. Maybe they can use this time to work on their book together...or, you know do the whole totally sweet pining ex thing. That works too. Oh, Liam, you poor oblivious man...
- Mona is the girl with the pink dice. This somehow doesn't surprise me at all. But it does make me happy. I like Mona best when she's up to all kinds of crazy hijinks. This whole diner storyline has been so all over the place that I have no idea what's going on, but that doesn't stop me from liking where it's going. And despite Emily's stupid decisions of late, girl is probably the only liar who seems to actually be getting stuff done. Well done, Em. For now, you can keep your probably badass status.
Prettiest Little Quote of the Week:
(A two-liner this time, because it made me snort with laughter)
Spencer: Do you want me to do this or not?
Caleb: Not! I keep saying not and you keep ignoring me!