pretty little reaction: there's baggage, and then there's what the liars are lugging around
/6.17 We've All Got Baggage | Photo Credit: Freeform
Sorry for the break last week--things were crazy busy, but I'm back and ready to discuss this week's PLL! Before we dive in, I just want to give one more shout-out to the awesome Haleb flashback scene we got last week. It definitely made me yearn for them. And it, combined with what we saw this week, has me feeling very confident a reunion is in our future. I don't want Spencer to get burned, but...meh. She can get back with Toby. Speaking of whom, where's Toby? Definitely not a part of this week's drama, but next week...oh, I have a feeling it's getting good :)
You can't trust that guy, Em | Photo Credit: Freeform
- So my question about Liam knowing who Ezra really is to Aria was answered quite clearly--he definitely didn't know. But he does now! Ezra seems to handle the whole book thing okay, then Liam and Aria work things out (he never even brings up the creepiness factor! Good man, that Liam. I guess.) Oh and Aria's parents get married, and well, basically everything's a wash for her this week. Expect new drama next week, probably related to her prodigal brother, at least, I kinda hope so.
- Man, I love a good Emily freak out. Nobody does wide-eyed losing it like Em. Also her reaction to Spaleb was classic. Do not want to see. And then there's the whole Damien thing. I totally forgot about Damien until memory was jogged by the whole reporter thing. Right. That guy. He's definitely up to something other than an article, right? I mean, he has to be. Could he be Devil Emoji? Or, Black SUV? (more on that below)
- Hanna's good at planning other weddings, but not her own. Clearly a sign. Also, "This is happy"? No it's not. (And did you notice Hanna's reaction to seeing Spaleb together? And how Hot Caleb removed his arm from around Spencer as soon as he saw Hanna? Haleb is so coming back.)
- Apparently Devil Emoji and Emily are going to have a baby together. Isn't that nice? Oh wait, no, it's totally creepy. But maybe Emily should take a look through that baby name book. If she leaves it up to Devil Emoji, that kid is going to be named Pizza Slice or Smiley Poop. Actually, Smiley Poop isn't a bad name for a baby...
- The Hanna and Melissa flashback was intense. I kinda love these two together. Can we please see more of them two at odds? Also, how many times is this show going to try and make us believe Melissa is guilty? We know better by now, PLL. That said, I wonder what Melissa is up to...
- Okay, Emily officially needs to stop going to creepy A-related (Devil Emoji-related) places by herself. She gets herself nearly killed every other week. And why does she think the roof is a good place to hide? OBVIOUSLY,w whoever is in the Black SUV totally knows she's up there. This is the most bizarre cat and mouse game I've ever seen. Em, next time just run into the forest. Cars can't drive through trees.
- What are Hanna and Aria wearing at the wedding? Just. What. Aria's is kinda okay since she's officiating, but a black leather crop top and matching skirt? I know Ella wanted something different, but seriously? Also, I kinda thought Byron and Ella would break apart after their kiss and Magic Mike would be there. Not stupid Liam, who is kinda boring now that any drama related to him is mostly over.
- Hot Caleb takes the fall. Always our hero. Of course. And then Spencer's mom kicks him out. I don't think Caleb secretly did it, and I don't care for him taking the blame to save Spencer (the campaign overall is fine), but I'm definitely a fan of him not being in that barn anymore. Hooray for no more totally awkward honeymoon phase scenes between Spaleb. I am so done with those. It felt like a brother and sister waking up for coffee and makeouts. Gross. Also, this totally sets the scene for the Haleb reunion. Dare I dream that Hot Caleb will show up at Lucas's condo looking for a place to crash? DARE I DREAM?
- Ali and what's his face (Dr. Something) want to get married. Well, we knew this was coming, but I have to say, I wasn't expecting it now. They seem giggly and happy. And hey, Aria might as well. She's got an officiating resume to build up! Maybe she can marry Haleb next? :P
- Okay, the two "As" thing. Emily seems to think that Black SUV and Devil Emoji aren't the same person. I don't necessarily agree that they have to be two different people. Couldn't Devil Emoji just have shown up to find that murder weapon and then Emily was there and he/she wanted to scare Em off so they did, and then when she got the weapon, he/she grabbed it for his/her own purposes? The show seems to want us to believe there are two people here. So even though I don't agree there's enough evidence to support this, I'm going to go along with it. Which brings me to my next question--which "A" is eating wedding cake and programming a universal remote? I don't even know what we're supposed to make of that...Figuring out how to program a universal remote makes me think the person is old and out of touch with technology, but that's not true. Those things are hard!
Until next week!
Prettiest Little Quote of the Week:
"Well, I think it's fate. People who are meant to be together take a break and then find their way back to their first love." -Hanna (of course, I picked this one...)